Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sorry gals!! i cannot believe how hectic this last 6-8 weeks have been... and i've neglected this blog terribly!!

Update time hey...

Well October was no luck for us... but then i assumed it wouldn;t be as i as stressing from work stuff... am doign a HUGE project at the moment that isn;t slowing down! Plus Steve was out every other night working on his car or a friends car or something... trying to get things down before going away for cup weekend.

So as of now it has officially been 6 months! I know that's not a long long time... but god it feels like it is! I quit everything this month... I refused to chart a single thing at ALL... NO Temps... NO cervical mucus... NO OPK's! The only thing I've recorded this month is when we've DTD.

Surprisingly, I've felt a lot more... calm and relaxed this month because i wasn;t thinking about everything... I've slept better because i didn;t have it in my head to remember to temp before i got up... it's been good.

The only thing that did linger in my mind... was possibly O time... i gave myself quite a large gap considering in october i had 16 positive OPK's... and again a late O date that was around CD21.

So keeping myself safe I made the assumption of O day being sometime after about CD16... but more likely between CD20 and 27.

I've ended up being a VERY lucky lady in the bedroom department this month... (without putting TOO much stress on Steve... a couple of stern words a couple of times that's it... I don't want to pressure him and have him worry about it all) The bedroom was rocking big time on CD17, 21, 24, 26, 28 AND 30!! so I'm hoping with all hope and praying with all dreams that i O'd late again... and that i caught that eggy!

I had a real weird pain on my right hand side the night of CD25 (I think) it actually woke me up... and then it disappeared... so have taken another assumption that it maye have been ovulation pains...

Today... am on CD 31... I HATE that my cycles are so long and hard to read... but this one has been ok, so far! I'm sitting here now... trying not to stress or worry or wonder when AF should be turning up... I'm assuming i have between 1 day and maybe 8 days before iwould assume i am LATE... so am working on 8 days... figured if AF is still missing by next Thursday I'll test then! Am also pushing myself NOT to symptom hunt... and I'm doing ok so far...

So yes... there's my update!! Currently CD31, in my TWW and actually feeling positive... hopeing and dreaming for a BFP!! A couple of my friends have mentioned they have a 'gut feeling' about me this month... lets hope they're right!!