Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Two Week Wait

Well this whole trying to follow a cycle is really hard!!

I've been assuming all this month that i have a 'standard' cycle... which would be 28 days... with therefore would mean i ovulate roughly around day 14.

However cervical Mucus (one of the signs you can use to track fertility and ovulation) seems to tell me otherwise.

there are many different types of cervical mucus to tell you roughly where you are in your cycle.

I've found a great site (with the thanks to a friend who sent it to me first! *blows kisses* thanks Manda) that gives quite a bit of information on a lot of different things...

here's some of what it had to say about CM (cervical Mucus)

Your cervical mucus changes based on your cycle. For example, when you are ovulating your mucus will be like egg whites making it easy for sperm to navigate to reach the egg. However, when you are not ovulating the mucus will not be as “sperm friendly.”

Every woman’s body is different and so is her cervical mucus. However, the changes you should expect include mucus that changes from sticky and/or dry to cream like, then wet to egg white, and then back to being dry and then sticky again. When you can recognize these stages then you can recognize ovulation. When your mucus is wet or egg white then ovulation is soon to occur. If you want to get pregnant this is the best time to do the deed because your chances are greatest!

Remember, when checking your cervical mucus you will want to always have clean and dry hands and be in a position that is comfortable so you can relax. Some women sit on the toilet, put a leg on the bathtub, or even squat. Do what’s comfortable.

Now, insert your middle finger into your vagina and get a sample of mucus. The closer the mucus is to the cervix the better indicator it will be. Check for the egg white consistency and if you find it you know you are ovulating. If not, you just have to keep checking!

How to Chart Changes in Your Cervical Mucus

Women who are trying to conceive can use a variety of techniques to help determine when the best time for conception is. One of the ways that many women use is to chart changes in their cervical mucus.

It is important before you start charting your cervical mucus to know what exactly it is that you are looking for. During your monthly cycle, your cervical mucus can change greatly in its color, its consistency, and in its volume.

If you do not have any cervical mucus, you have most likely just finished your menstrual period. For the first three to five days following your period, your body will produce little or no cervical mucus. If you have little or no cervical mucus, there is little or no chance for conception.

Cervical mucus is generally sticky and ranges from white to cloudy in color during the time between your period and ovulation. This is also a time where you will not have much cervical mucus. While conception is possible, it is not likely during this time.

Cervical mucus will become moist but sticky, about the consistency of a hand lotion product, just days before you ovulate. At this stage, the color will range from white to cream-colored. If your cervical mucus appears this way, there is some chance for conception.

When you are ovulating, you will have the most cervical mucus. The cervical mucus should be about the same texture and have a similar appearance to an egg white; at this stage, it is often referred to as “egg-white cervical mucus.” This is the time, during ovulation, when you are most likely to become pregnant.

If your cervical mucus is similar to an egg white, but is less slippery, you may have just finished ovulating. This is generally the case between the end of ovulation and the beginning of your next period. While here again there is some chance for conception, it is a relatively small chance.

By checking your cervical mucus each day, you can help to figure out exactly where in your cycle you are. By charting changes in your cervical mucus for several months, you can get a pretty good idea of exactly how many days from the end of your period that you will ovulate, and thereby determine when is the best time for conception.

Many women combine charting changes in their cervical mucus with charting basal body temperature. Basal body temperature refers to the temperature of your body the first thing in the morning. Using a Basal thermometer, you can check your temp in the morning before you get out of bed. A Basal thermometer will monitor small changes in temperature that a regular thermometer will not measure. When you are ovulating, you will notice a temperature spike that will probably last until your next period. By combining a BBT chart with your cervical mucus chart, you can increase your chances for conception.

so based on this type of information... I'm now assuming I ovulated around cycle day 21.

Hopefully Aunt Flow comes soon (though that means no pregnancy this month) and i'll know where i'm at cycle wise a little better...


Hopefully Aunt Flow doesn;t come and i tests and get a wonderful BFP!!

either way wish me luck!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Officially Official

Well... we are now officially trying for a baby...

I'm not tracking my temperature or anything... just watching to see if I can pick any body changes up myself.

I'm hopefully going to get Folic Acid tablets on the weekend. I've been doing a bit of a comparison with all the vitamins out there...

there's so many pregnancy vitamins out there with so many different things in them... and amount of certain vitamins...

In regards to the folic acid... it is recommended to have roughly .4mg or 400 micrograms a day. it seems most standard multi-vitamins for women have around 3mg, while the pregnancy-vitamins have between .25mg(Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeeding gold) and .8mg (elevit)

Nutrition information on food and dietary supplement labels can help women determine whether they are getting enough folate, which is 400 micrograms (0.4 milligrams) a day before pregnancy and 800 micrograms a day during pregnancy.

I am honestly looking at just getting the Folic acid tablets.

i know everyone says that it is best to have the full vitamins as it give you all the extra vitamins you need... but I'm thinking that the Folic acid... being that it is said that with it being a water based vitamin it is said to be needed more everyday.

Foods in which you can also gain some Folic acid from are leafy vegetable such as spinach, turnip greens, lettuces, beans, peas.

so yes... Folate tablets for me this weekend and then the hope of making a baby too! if I have a standard cycle (which i still don't know yet being my first month off the pill) i should be Ovulating around Sunday night so... fingers crossed!

Monday, May 4, 2009

nothing stopping us now!

well it's official... well... in the sense that I'm no longer on the pill.

my body hasn't given me any strange signs since I've stopped it which is a good thing I suppose. Though teasing tiny tummy cramps are a little annoying.

I'm actually not feeling quite so tired as I was while I was on it... not that I know if that had anything to do with it.

Anyways... don't really know what else to write on this one. Only that... the 'official' TTC has not yet started. But hopefully that will change in the next day or two... so wish me luck and send me lots of babydust!
